This is a song that helps describe who I want to be as a teacher. I hope to create a space in the school where students are able to feel brave and can be themselves. Schools can unfortunately pressure students to change who they are to fit in with their peers. I hope to help foster a place where everyone fits in my being themselves, and where students learn to respect others.

These two videos encompass the end of my public school journey and the opportunities I want to inspire in my students as a teacher. The first video is a summary of a project I was a part of while in the IB program that looked at disparities among elementary primary students. This brought to my attention disparities that are present among the schools even in our own community. Now, moving into my role as a teacher I feel better equipped to help the students I learned about then. The second video is of the hat toss at high school graduation. While this isn’t my graduating year (I graduated in 2014 and the video is from 2015), it is the correct venue and school. The hat toss symbolizes the end of the school journey before further education. It is where I want my students to get.


I have chosen this quote to demonstrate who I am as a teacher because I think it summarizes my beliefs of being a teacher. Teaching requires optimism that the next generation will be better than the next, that what you as a teacher is doing is correct, belief in the education system, and belief in your students. When you begin to not be optimistic about education, I think it is time to reflect on your practice and if it is still the right fit.


Here are my graduation photos from high school and university (and hopefully a third joining 2025!). Like the hat toss, these photos represent my completion of schooling from that period of my life. I have been in school for the majority of my life, and these photos mark important milestones for me. Also like the hat toss, these photos represent what I hope my students will eventually accomplish and I hope I help them reach graduation.